
The article considers methods of involving artificial intelligence in artistic practices. Based on the analysis of ways to use this technology in visual arts and music, the basic principles of working with artificial intelligence technology are identified, including: imitation of historical art, implemented in projects The Next Rembrandt and Choral; generative art, which is found in the works “Hyperbolic Composition І” and “Hyperbolic Composition ІІ” of S. Eaton and also in the AIVA program (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist). The importance of the mechanisms of neurobiology in the process of working with artificial intelligence on the example of the project “Neural Zoo” of S. Crespo, Iamus program, in which the development of musical material is based on the principle of evolution, is stated. In the application Endel and in the opera “Emotionally intelligent” Artificially Intelligent Brainwave Opera» of E. Perlman, a neural network is used to read information about the human condition and its further processing for modification into a sound landscape or image. The development of artificial intelligence and its use in artistic practices opens up new opportunities, expanding both the field of authors of artistic content and attracting new audience. This phenomenon provokes many issues, including: the ability to think artificially of artificial intelligence, the ability to create works of art without human intervention, as well as issues related to copyright.

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