
Articles in Quaker Periodicals By Lyman W. Riley University of Pennsylvania Library The American Friend "The North Carolina Model Farm" was one of the projects of The Baltimore Association to Advise and Assist Friends of the Southern States during the difficult days of Reconstruction. Alice Paige White gives considerable information about its establishment and operation.—Jan. 13, 1955, pp. 7-8, 13. Alice Paige White contributes some "Notes on Negro Education Among North Carolina Friends". — June 30, 1955, pp. 205-206. The Friend (Philadelphia) "The Inspiring Friends Hospital Story" by William Sheppard includes the story of the founding, in 1813, of this Philadelphia institution for the mentally ill. — Feb., 17, 1955, pp. 261-263; March 31, 1955, pp. 311-313; April 28, 1955, pp. 342-344. Friends Intelligencer Edmund Goerke relates "An Incident from the life of John Banks" in which this Friend (born 1638) was healed through the spiritual ministrations of George Fox. — Oa. 30, 1954, pp. 600-601. Letter from the Past No. 149, "Destroyers of the Creation," refers to George Fox's condemnation of Cornwall wreckers, about 1660. — Jan. 8, 1955, p. 21. In "Whittier on Reformers" Frederick B. Tolles quotes from letters and poems in a collection of Whittier manuscripts in the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College. — Jan. 22, 1955, pp. 49-50. "Lincoln and the Quakers" (Letter from the Past No. 150) concerns a picture of twelve abolitionists, at least seven of whom were Friends, hanging in the Lincoln Museum in Washington, D.C. Contrary to report, Lincoln is not present in the picture. — Feb. 12, 1955, pp. 89-90. An additional note about the picture identifies an eighth Friend. — March 5,1955, p. 130. Alfons Pacquet (1881-1944), a German Quaker, wrote an interpretative essay on John Woolman. It is reprinted in an English translation by John R. Cary as "A Christian Figure: John Woolman".—March 6,1955, pp. 176-178. George W. Edwards has gathered much data on the first Quaker meetinghouse, "Bull and Mouth Meeting House, London, 1655," including the pre-Quaker history of the site and the probable origin of the name.— April 2, 1955, pp. 192-194. 127 128Bulletin of Friends Historical Association William Hordern briefly summarizes the writings of George Fox the Younger (d. l66l) as "A Forgotten Quaker Prophet." This George Fox advocated universal suffrage and economic justice and appealed to Charles II not to let his power corrupt righteouness. — April 23, 1955, pp. 237-239. Letter from the Past No. 151, "The End of a Schismatic," describes the career of John Perrott, originator of the "hat controversy" in early Quakerism. This account is occasioned by the discovery of Perron's will in Jamaica, where he died in 1665. — May 21, 1955, pp. 296-297. Henry J. Cadbury writes of "Friends and the Law," reviewing not Quaker disobedience to laws but the less familiar endeavors of Friends to prevent misuse of law against themselves and others. — June 4, 1955, pp. 320-323. The Friends' Quarterly "Wordsworth, His Circle, and the Quakers," by H. Rossiter Smith, gives considerable information about the Quaker farmer poet Thomas Wilkinson, friend of Wordsworth and Coleridge, and briefer notes on the Quaker interests of William Hazlitt, Robert Southey, and Charles Lamb.— April, 1954, pp. 117-128. Beatrice Saxon Sneil includes numerous interpretations of prayer by Friends both early and modern in her study, "Prayer in Quaker Experience ."— July, 1954, pp. 137-149. T. Canby Jones contributes a study of "George Fox's Understanding of Last Things."—Oct., 1954, pp. 194-206. "The Cartmel 'Book for Pious Uses' " is a manuscript book of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in Cartmel Meetinghouse. It contains copies of wills, trusts, and so forth, in connection with bequests to Swarthmore, Colthouse, and Height Meetings. Isabel Ross describes the contents of the book, notably the will of Lawrence Newton, dated 1676, and the documents concerning George Fox's gift of Swarthmore Meetinghouse to Friends. Among other documents are those of Thomas Rawlinson , George Knipe, and Samuel Satterthwaite.—Oct., 1954, pp. 245-256. "Fox's Openings" by Henry J. Cadbury discusses possible influences on George Fox's expressions of his religious experience. — Jan., 1955, pp. 4-7. The Journal of...

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