
ARTICLES IN QUAKER PERIODICALS By Lyman W. Riley Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College The Canadian Friend Four short articles on the Dukhobors, three by Emmett Gulley and one by J. Passmore Elkinton, report on die present conditions of this Canadian group, with some review of their more recent history.—May, 1951, pp. 10-12; June, 1951, pp. 6-7; Aug., 1951, pp. 12-13; Sept., 1951, pp. 9-11. Friends Intelligencer "Early Friends and the Christ Within," a digest of an M.A. thesis in philosophy by Burns Brodhead, brings forth evidence from George Fox's writings to show diat early Quakerism was definitely and consciously Christocentric. —Feb. 17, 1951, pp. 91-93. Letter from die Past No. 115 is devoted in the main to reprinting from Peace News (London, Nov. 3, 1950) a letter from die merchants of London to the Society of Friends urging support for die British war effort of 1798.—Mar. 3, 1951, pp. 120-121. In "Questions and Answers about Quakers Past and Present," Frederick B. Tolles gives a brief history of Conservative Friends in America.—Mar. 31, 1951, pp. 182-183. Samuel Colman, Jr., in "Quakers and die Development of Penology in Pennsylvania," outlines the Quaker influences not only in prison reform but in the formation of the penal system itself.—Apr. 7, 1951, pp. 191-192. The fragmentary records of early German Quakerism are utilized in an interesting way by Anna Corder in "Early Quakerism in Friedrichstadt ."—May 12, 1951, pp. 270-272. Early Quakers, including George Fox, were not above welcoming as retributive justice the misfortunes that befell dieir persecutors. They discarded this emphasis by about 1700, however, according to Letter from the Past No. 116.—May 12, 1951, p. 272. "Edward Hicks, Quaker Minister and Artist," is the subject of a sketch by Leonardo L. Beans; included as illustration is a modern version of "The Peaceable Kingdom" by Fritz Eichenberg.—June 2, 1951, pp. 314-316. Robert A. Gerson submits a short unpublished poem by John Greenleaf Whittier. Later, C. Marshall Taylor, in a letter to die editor, points out that some of diese lines had been adapted by Whittier from a much earlier published poem.—June 30, 1951, p. 375; July 21, 1951, pp, 421-422. 122 Articles in Quaker Periodicals123 Lucy Griscom Morgan relates some "Psychic Episodes" in die lives of several nineteendi-century Quakers.—Aug. 11, 1951, pp. 453-454. "First Endure—Then Embrace" is die way "Now and Then" describes Friends' reaction to die term "Quaker," — Aug. 18, 1951, p. 468. The fifth and sixtii grades of Frankford Friends School, Philadelphia , contribute a very creditable account of die life of James Parnell.— Aug. 25, 1951, pp. 479-480. The Friends' Quarterly Elizabedi Fox Howard, in an article originally written for a radio broadcast, tells delightfully human anecdotes about her Quaker ancestors , "A Quaker Treasure Box."—Apr., 1951, pp. 87-94. (An excerpt also appears in Friends Intelligencer, June 2, 1951, pp. 312-313.) "Pastors in the Five Years Meeting" by William Orville Mendenhall , not only explains die pastoral system but outlines the history of its development.—July, 1951, pp. 159-169. Maurice Whitlow writes eloquendy of the striking similarities between die First Publishers of Truth and the founders of die Salvation Army, "Not Exacdy a Birthright Membership."—July, 1951, pp. 182192 . The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society W. A. Campbell Stewart writes an article on "Punishment in Friends' Schools, 1779-1900" diat gives a good picture of school life during the nineteenth century, when only gradually did Friends give up the idea that severity could maintain discipline.—42 (1950), 51-66. Henry J. Cadbury prints, with comments, three documents pertaining to William Dewsbury's arrest as a conspirator in die Popish Plot invented by Titus Oates. They were found printed in a London newspaper of 1682. — 42 (1950), 67-69. "Defoe, Bugg and the Quakers" by Henry J. Cadbury attributes to Defoe's dislike of Francis Bugg, an ex-Friend who wrote against Quakerism , his defense of die sect against die charge of wild belief in miracles. -^12 (1950), 70-72. C. Marshall Taylor contributes a letter of John Greenleaf Whittier , written in 1892, that...

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