
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction is an Open Access, online, electronic journal published by BioMed Central with full contents available to the scientific and medical community free of charge to all readers. Authors maintain the copyright to their own work, a policy facilitating dissemination of data to the widest possible audience without requiring permission from the publisher. This Open Access publishing model is subsidized by authors (or their institutions/funding agencies) in the form of a single £330 article processing charge (APC), due at the time of manuscript acceptance for publication. Payment of the APC is not a condition for formal peer review and does not apply to articles rejected after review. Additionally, this fee is waived for authors whose institutions are BioMed Central members or where genuine financial hardship exists. Considering ordinary publication fees related to page charges and reprints, the APC at Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction is comparable to costs associated with publishing in some traditional print journals, and is less expensive than many. Implementation of the APC within this Open Access framework is envisioned as a modern research-friendly policy that supports networking among investigators, brings new research into reach rapidly, and empowers authors with greater control over their own scholarly publications.


  • Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction is a scientific and clinical journal established in September 2004, offering rapid peer review of research of the advanced reproductive technologies

  • Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction 2005, 2:1 http://www.jexpclinassistreprod.com/content/2/1/1 are processed, paid for, provided, and protected. It was the end consumer who was charged for access to medical, scientific and technical literature

  • Payment of the article processing charge (APC) is never a condition for any manuscript's formal peer review and does not apply to articles rejected after peer review

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Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction is a scientific and clinical journal established in September 2004, offering rapid peer review of research of the advanced reproductive technologies. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction 2005, 2:1 http://www.jexpclinassistreprod.com/content/2/1/1 are processed, paid for, provided, and protected It was the end consumer (the library or reader) who was charged for access to medical, scientific and technical literature. Within the world of academic publishing, limited competition may have registered profits for some but the worldwide impact on readers' access to scholarly literature has been distinctly negative [7] It was against this "restricted access" background that the Open Access model of academic publishing was conceived, with a view to maximize rapid collaboration among researchers using a relatively new resource with tremendous potential – the world wide web. Payment of the APC is never a condition for any manuscript's formal peer review and does not apply to articles rejected after peer review This fee is not assessed for authors whose institutions are BioMed Central members or where genuine financial hardship exists. Given the full range of publishing possibilities at Journal of Experimental & Clinical Assisted Reproduction, it is hoped that the £330 charge will be affirmed as a good value, especially since subsequent costs associated with reprint fees or page charges assessed by many traditional print journals can exceed this amount

Tamber PS
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