
In the modern society, online comments, especially comments on news websites, create a new problem: in theory, they should guarantee the freedom of speech and improve the work of editorial boards of daily newspapers (news websites). Feedback helps the media to better understand readers and their needs. The essence of feedback for the journalist is to obtain additional information in order to expand the topic of the article, to explore new aspects of the researched subject and to react promptly to relevant information received from the audience. Exploratory research was carried out in May 2021 striving to analyse how much actual feedback works when a media outlet publishes reader comments, as well as to examine how media staff evaluate the necessity of commends under articles and their value for direct work. Fifteen professional journalists – who have more than four years of journalistic experience in national, regional and local media – participated in the research.
 Research participants were asked 9 questions, of which only several were closed-ended, while the rest were open-ended. The survey was thus carried out in person, seeking to ascertain the questions discussed and clarify situations or circumstances. The duration of each interview was 45-80 minutes. Meetings took place with interviewees or they were contacted via Skype and ZOOM platforms.
 The article discusses research results, provides examples from editorial experience, as well as reveals views of editorial boards and journalists concerning the phenomenon in question and its problematic aspects.


  • Research participants were asked 9 questions, of which only several were closedended, while the rest were open-ended

  • Online comments, especially comments on news websites, create a new problem: in theory, they should guarantee the freedom of speech and improve the work of editorial boards of daily newspapers

  • The essence of feedback for the journalist is to obtain additional information in order to expand the topic of the article, to explore new aspects of the researched subject and to react promptly to relevant information received from the audience

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Jolanta Mažylė

Nors teisinė ir etinė žiniasklaidos priemonių atsakomybė už komentarus šiuo metu jau turi apibrėžtis, tačiau dažnai žiniasklaidos priemonių vadovai mano, kad didesnio kiekio (o ne kokybės!) komentarų interneto erdvėje palaikymas, orientuotas tik į verslo rezultatą, gali likti nepastebėtas. The article discusses research results, provides examples from editorial experience, as well as reveals views of editorial boards and journalists concerning the phenomenon in question and its problematic aspects. Vis dažniau žurnalistikos teoretikai ir praktikai tiria interneto galimybes bei įtaką žurnalistikai, auditorijos įtraukimą naudojant interaktyvias žiniasklaidos funkcijas, kad kuo daugiau būtų skatinamas piliečių įtraukimas ir dalyvavimas, kuriant dialogą viešoje erdvėje (Shove, Pantzar, Wattson, 2012; Scott, Millard, Leonard 2015). Kiek veikia tikrasis grįžtamasis ryšys žiniasklaidos priemonei publikuojant skaitytojų komentarus, taip pat išsiaiškinti, kaip redakcijų darbuotojai vertina komentarų prie publikacijų būtinybę ir jų vertę savo tiesioginiam darbui, 2021 metų gegužės mėnesį buvo atliktas žvalgomasis tyrimas. Straipsnyje aptariami tyrimo rezultatai, taip pat pateikiami pavyzdžiai iš redakcinės praktikos bei atskleidžiami redakcijų ir žurnalistų požiūriai į reiškinį bei probleminius jo aspektus

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