
ABSTRACTMOCVD growth of As-doped GaN using dimethylhydrazine, triethylgallium and tertiarybutylarsenic has been investigated. A maximum doping concentration of 4.0 × 1019cm−3 at growth temperatures between 600°C and 800°C was obtained. At 1000°C the As doping level dropped below the SIMS detection limit of ∼1.0 × 1017cm−3. The As incorporation depended only weakly on variations of the V/III molar flow ratio between 11 and 61. Raising the As/V molar flow ratio from 0.01 to 0.06 increased the As concentration which then decreased by further increase to 0.11. Different morphologies of the layers were found depending on the growth conditions. A surfactant-like behavior of As was observed leading to smooth GaN films grown on top of the As-doped GaN layer. Two characteristic luminescence peaks at 3.31 eV and 3.425 eV were found for samples doped with As below 900°C. These spectral features are believed to originate at extended lateral defects - presumably stacking faults.

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