
Changes in gene expression underlie many pathogenic endpoints including carcinogenesis. Metals, like arsenic, alter gene expression; however, the consequences of co-exposures of metals with other stressors are less understood. Although arsenic acts as a co-carcinogen by enhancing the development of UVR skin cancers, changes in gene expression in arsenic UVR co-carcinogenesis have not been investigated. We performed RNA-sequencing analysis to profile changes in gene expression distinct from arsenic or UVR exposures alone. A large number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified after arsenic exposure alone, while after UVR exposure alone fewer genes were changed. A distinct increase in the number of DEGs was identified after exposure to combined arsenic and UVR exposure that was synergistic rather than additive. In addition, a majority of these DEGs were unique from arsenic or UVR alone suggesting a distinct response to combined arsenic-UVR exposure. Globally, arsenic alone and arsenic plus UVR exposure caused a global downregulation of genes while fewer genes were upregulated. Gene Ontology analysis using the DEGs revealed cellular processes related to chromosome instability, cell cycle, cellular transformation, and signaling were targeted by combined arsenic and UVR exposure, distinct from UVR alone and arsenic alone, while others were related to epigenetic mechanisms such as the modification of histones. This result suggests the cellular functions we identified in this study may be key in understanding how arsenic enhances UVR carcinogenesis and that arsenic-enhanced gene expression changes may drive co-carcinogenesis of UVR exposure.

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