
This report describes a passive, optical component called resonant subwavelength gratings (RSGs), which can be employed as one element in an RSG array. An RSG functions as an extremely narrow wavelength and angular band reflector, or mode selector. Theoretical studies predict that the infinite, laterally-extended RSG can reflect 100% of the resonant light while transmitting the balance of the other wavelengths. Experimental realization of these remarkable predictions has been impacted primarily by fabrication challenges. Even so, we will present large area (1.0mm) RSG reflectivity as high as 100.2%, normalized to deposited gold. Broad use of the RSG will only truly occur in an accessible micro-optical system. This program at Sandia is a normal incidence array configuration of RSGs where each array element resonates with a distinct wavelength to act as a dense array of wavelength- and mode-selective reflectors. Because of the array configuration, RSGs can be matched to an array of pixels, detectors, or chemical/biological cells for integrated optical sensing. Micro-optical system considerations impact the ideal, large area RSG performance by requiring finite extent devices and robust materials for the appropriate wavelength. Theoretical predictions and experimental measurements are presented that demonstrate the component response as a function of decreasing RSGmore » aperture dimension and off-normal input angular incidence.« less

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