
French missionary Dallet (1874) wrote in his book that Korean language and Korean race is different from Chinese language and Chinese race. This time, the present researcher tried to translate ten Persian words into Korean words. The present researcher compared several Persian words, and the researcher tried to translate into Korean words. The researcher used a Dictionary of Persian/French and French/Persian (Bau, 2008). The title of this work is ‘Are they similar or are they same origin, Persian language and Korean language? (0075-0084)’. <number Persian word (its meaning) Korean word (its meaning in English)> 0075 Melkyat (possession) Meog-eo-ya (You, take the thing and eat it!) 0076 Elan (declaration) Yeol-lin (opened) 0077 Dala (mackerel) Dala (different. e.g. Mackerel is different from other fishes.) 0054-2 Esteqamat (perseverance) Igos-e-gam-a (You, turn the band or the cloth here!) 0054-3 Esteqamat (perseverance) Yeogi-e-ggweme (You, sew or stitch here!) 0079 Sabun (soap) Sae-bun (new powder as a beauty product) 0080 Hejab (shy) Suzubeun (shy) 0081 Elai (Oh! my Lord!) Yeol-lyeo (I order that it will be opened!) 0082 Magbul (good, interesting) Mas-bul (counter-protest, backfire) 0083 Mortsha (ant) Mul-iss-eo (There is some water!) 0084 Naqel (citation) Nae-ggeos (It is mine!) From the result, it is known that some Persian words are very similar to Korean words while other Persian words are similar to Korean words. It is possible to think that the two languages – Persian language and Korean language- come from the same origin.

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