
French missionary Dallet (1874) wrote in his book that Korean language is truly different from Chinese language. Several researchers had done their researches about the relation between Persian language and Korean language (Park et al., 2019; Kim and Park, 2022). The present researcher tried to find out the relation between Korean words and Persian words. And the researcher wants to know the origin of Persian culture and Korean culture. The present researcher chose several Persian words randomly, and the researcher tried to compare those Persian words with Korean words. The researcher used a Dictionary of Persian/French and French/Persian (Bau, 2008). This is in order to compared those words of the two languages. The present researcher chose eight Persian words, and the researcher tried to compare those Persian words with Korean words. The title is ‘Are they similar or are they same origin, Persian language and Korean language? (0174-0181)’. <number Persian word (its meaning) Korean word (its meaning in English)> 0174-1 Raqam (species, kind, sort) I-rweo-gam (They will complete the thing.) 0174-2 Raqam (species, kind, sort) I-reo-han (It is done on the way.) 0175 Bo (odor) Bwa! (You! See the thing now!) 0176 Hadiya (present) Eo-di-ya? (Where are you now?) 0177 Hadya dadan (to give something to somebody, or to give the present) Eo-di-ya taktak (Where are you now? Here, ‘taktak‘is the sound of the knock or the sound of clapping the hands.) 0178 Ash (meal, nutrition) Eol-ssu, Eol-ssi-gu! (It is the voice for expressing the harmony when the people are in great joy.) 0179 Ash dadan (get a suntan) Eol-ssu taktak! (‘Eol-ssu’ is the voice for expressing the harmony. The ‘taktak’ is the sound of clapping the hands.) 0180 Kalame (parole, word) Kola mal (You, select the word and the sentence) 0181 Dar ol Salam (Jerusalem) Teo reul Salim (It is the person who save this land!). The eight Persian words seemed to be very similar or to be same to Korean words.

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