
espanolLa llegada al poder de Adriano no solo influyo en Italica, sino que tambien parece haber repercutido en Cor-doba, caputprovinciae de Baetica. El objetivo de la presente contribucion es tratar de reconstruir la imagen urbana de Co-lonia Patricia en epoca adrianea, prestando especial atencion a la arquitectura publica, pero sin olvidar la infraestructura defensiva, viaria e hidraulica, asi como la arquitectura do-mestica, productiva y funeraria. A la hora de alcanzar dicha meta hemos recopilado y analizado diversos testimonios ar-queologicos, arquitectonicos, escultoricos y epigraficos. Aun cuando en muchos casos la documentacion sugiera una data-cion del siglo II d.C., o mas concretamente de la primera mi-tad de dicha centuria, en ocasiones si hemos podido identifi-car determinados elementos bien fechados en epoca adrianea. EnglishHadrian’s government impacted not only in Italica,but also in Corduba, caput provinciae of Baetica. The aim of this contribution is to reconstruct the urban image of Colo-nia Patricia during Hadrian’s times, highlighting the public architecture, without forgetting the defensive, road, and hy-draulic infrastructures, as well as the residential, industrial, and funerary architectures. In order to achieve this objective, we have gathered and studied a wide range of archaeological, architectural, sculptural and epigraphic testimonies. Although in many cases the available documentation suggests a dating within the second century AD, it has been possible to identify certain elements dated in Hadrian’s times.

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