
Today, a dominant trend in factory construction is to account for the eco-economic aspects of their further operations. It requires sustainable technological solutions, with regard for structural specificities or for production technology used. At the same time, the buildings shall be architecturally attractive and distinct. In the paper, the author considered architectural, technological, structural, ecological, and economic factors for construction of wood-processing and furniture-making facilities. The author analyzed the actual Project Design to build the type of facility in Krekhiv village, Zhovkva district, Lviv region (western Ukraine) as commissioned by a well-known French company (the author have been engaged in the design). The study focused on a wood-processing Woodman company designed for the midtech production of edge glued panels and furniture. According to the design documentation by types of products planned, the Project Design provided for the following production units: unit for wood-sawing and drying; unit for mechanical processing of wood, production of edge glued panels and furniture; unit for mechanical repairs; and an administrative and services unit. The anticipated annual production capacity is: for edge glued panels – 600 m3 a year, furniture production– up to 4,000 pc a year. “Wood-sawing unit”, according to the Project Design, is organized according to the following principles of production technology based on the stages and operations: stockholding and storage of round timber (sawtimber); cutting the sawtimber into the shaped timber and logs; stocking the sawn timber (untrimmed boards) into stockpiles and on separators for further atmospheric and chamber drying. Sawn timber drying is taking place in the “Drying Unit”. It is the process of moisture removal from timber to a certain degree of humidity. The Project Design provided for the atmospheric drying of logs and boards in the furnished stockpiles under the roof, and artificial seasoning in a steam-curing and drying chambers. The artificial seasoning technology for sawn timber and logs is organized with the help of drying chambers and a boiler room with a sawdust bunker. The “Unit for Mechanical Wood Processing, Production of Edged Glued Panels and Furniture” is used for production of the edged glued panels from the sawn timber coming from hardwood (beech, oak). The production process of the edged glued panels includes the following stages: 1) cross-cutting of dry boards; 2) line cutting of board edges for the rough-sawn stock; 3) primary mechanical processing; 4) sorting by quality, color; 5) end-jointing gluing line; 6) log finishing; 7) press-molding of logs into panels; 8) panel surface preparation; 9) size cutting; 10) preservative treatment; 11) quality control; 12) storage and sales. "Administrative and Service Block", according to the Project Design, is an inbuilt part of the Main Building (Unit). It is a two-story insert separated with the fire safety barriers from the manufacturing facilities. It has isolated outside entrances and a technological corridor linking the manufacturing facilities. With account for production process requirements, fire safety, and sanitary standards, the Unit is divided into several personal services rooms for the staff and administrative rooms.

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