
The article is devoted to the study of the management aspects of the influence of archetypal components of Ukrainian ethnics on the process of formation of the collective local identity of the population living on a certain territory. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the archetype of the place influences the peculiarities of development of tourism varieties in Ukraine. Ukrainian ethnic tourism is singled out as one of the popular domestic resources of the country’s promotion, which is “tied” to the authentic indigenous traditions of the people. It is specified that the specificity of Ukrainian ethnic tourism lies in its polyculture and is manifested through such varieties as: rural ecological, religious, pilgrimage, festival, ethnographic, cultural and cognitive, extreme, event and other types of tourism, which are clearly reflected in the symbolic contexts of local identity. The emphasis is on the timely introduction of the definition of “ethno tourism” in the legal field of tourism. An importance of participation of the local community in the formation of principles of collective local identity is illustrated through the work of the Dnipro Development Agency Public Utility Company in Dnipro. The original procedure of cross-links that determine the interdependence of peculiarities of formation of collective local identity from the mental archetype of the population on some areas of the administrative-territorial unit is presented. We determined the directions of activity of local government bodies in the process of public-private partnership with the representatives of business and the public, among which: creation of conditions for the recognition of the heredity of the traditions of the population of the territory; organization and conduct of socio-educational, moral and spiritual, cultural and cognitive events, that unite the ethnic community; development and implementation of socio-economic and cultural historical programs of the territory development etc. The conclusion is drawn that the Ukrainian mental archetype is formed under the influence of socio-political, cultural and historical development of the Ukrainian state. Its current stage is under the influence of Ukrainian ethnic Renaissance, which determines modern vectors of the development of domestic tourism through Ukrainian ethnic tourism, which is based on the values of Ukrainian ethno-geocultural phenomenon.


  • The article is devoted to the study of the management aspects of the influence of archetypal components of Ukrainian ethnics on the process of formation of the collective local identity of the population living on a certain territory

  • Its current stage is under the influence of Ukrainian ethnic Renaissance, which determines modern vectors of the development of domestic tourism through Ukrainian ethnic tourism, which is based on the values of Ukrainian ethno-geocultural phenomenon

  • All of the foregoing makes it possible to draw a general conclusion that Ukrainian mental archetype was formed under the influence of socio-political, cultural and historical development of the Ukrainian state

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The article is devoted to the study of the management aspects of the influence of archetypal components of Ukrainian ethnics on the process of formation of the collective local identity of the population living on a certain territory. The original procedure of cross-links that determine the interdependence of peculiarities of formation of collective local identity from the mental archetype of the population on some areas of the administrative-territorial unit is presented. Досліджено управлінські аспекти впливу архетипових складових української етніки на процес формування колективної локальної ідентичності населення, яке проживає на певній території. У дослідженні представлено розроблену автором схему наскрізних зв’язків, що визначають взаємозалежність особливостей формування колективної локальної ідентичності від ментальної архетипіки населення в межах адміністративно-територіальної одиниці. Визначено напрями діяльності органів місцевого управління в процесі публічно-приватного партнерства з представниками бізнесу та громадськості, серед яких: створення умов для визнання спадковості традицій населення території; організація та проведення заходів суспільно-виховного, морально-духовного, культурно-пізнавального змісту, що об’єднують етнічну спільноту; розробка та реалізація програм соціально-економічного та культурно-історичного розвитку території тощо

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