
Statistical investigations concerning archeological research from a Roman province – inferior Panonia, are carried out in this paper. Soprov - Scorbatina Roman town – forum, Albertfalva – civil settlement, pevious Szakaley – Reti Foldek - rural settlement Acsvospusztal – previous Roman, Sremska Mitrovico – Roman town, Budapesta Aquineum – Roman town, and Tac – Gorsium – Roman town, were studied. Research was realized during 1974 – 1998. Fauna spectrum on sites situated in the mentioned localities from inferior Panonia is presented. Bone pieces are distributed on the main identified species: Bos taurus, sheep, goats, Eqvus cabalus, Sus scrofa domesticus, Canis domesticus, Catus, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Sus scrofa ferus, Gallus, Lepus, etc. Osteometric data from the main bone pieces obtained on species are also presented. Finally are presented considerations concerning the main animals’ characteristics

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