
Arbitrated signature provides that the signatory signs a message with his private key by quantum cryptography, while the signature receiver verifies the signature with the arbitrator’s assistance. In this work, security analysis was given to the arbitrated quantum signature (AQS) and results showed that the receiver Bob and the attacker can forge the signature. Then this paper gives a new quantum one-time pads encryption method, which is suit for the quantum signature. At last, a new AQS protocol using Einstein-Podoisky-Rosen (EPR) pairs is proposed. By using of quantum key distribution (QKD) and new quantum one-time pads, the new scheme can resist Shor’s attack. The new scheme has following advantages: (1) The scheme reduces the complexity of implementation and provides a higher efficiency in transmission; (2) Compares with some AQS schemes, the scheme can avoid being disavowed by the receiver; (3) Compares with other AQS schemes, the scheme also guarantees the arbitrator cannot forge the signature and it also ensure the receiver and other attacker cannot forge the signature.

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