
Abstract– Compared with ordinary chondrites, there is a relative paucity of chronological and other data to define the early thermal histories of enstatite parent bodies. In this study, we report 39Ar‐40Ar dating results for five EL chondrites: Khairpur, Pillistfer, Hvittis, Blithfield, and Forrest; five EH chondrites: Parsa, Saint Marks, Indarch, Bethune, and Reckling Peak 80259; three igneous‐textured enstatite meteorites that represent impact melts on enstatite chondrite parent bodies: Zaklodzie, Queen Alexandra Range 97348, and Queen Alexandra Range 97289; and three aubrites, Norton County, Bishopville, and Cumberland Falls Several Ar‐Ar age spectra show unusual 39Ar recoil effects, possibly the result of some of the K residing in unusual sulfide minerals, such as djerfisherite and rodderite, and other age spectra show 40Ar diffusion loss. Few additional Ar‐Ar ages for enstatite meteorites are available in the literature. When all available Ar‐Ar data on enstatite meteorites are considered, preferred ages of nine chondrites and one aubrite show a range of 4.50–4.54 Ga, whereas five other meteorites show only lower age limits over 4.35–4.46 Ga. Ar‐Ar ages of several enstatite chondrites are as old or older as the oldest Ar‐Ar ages of ordinary chondrites, which suggests that enstatite chondrites may have derived from somewhat smaller parent bodies, or were metamorphosed to lower temperatures compared to other chondrite types. Many enstatite meteorites are brecciated and/or shocked, and some of the younger Ar‐Ar ages may record these impact events. Although impact heating of ordinary chondrites within the last 1 Ga is relatively common for ordinary chondrites, only Bethune gives any significant evidence for such a young event.

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