
Lead exposure seriously impairs male reproductive function. The protective capacity of Pedalium murex leafy stem and fruit aqueous extracts against lead testicular toxicity is evaluated to find herbals drugs able to improve semen quality. Phytochemical screening were performed according to classical methods. Twenty four male rats were divided into four groups of six rats each and received the following treatments via oral route: distilled water; 0.2% lead acetate in drinking water; 0.2% lead acetate in drinking water with 400mg/kg P.murex aqueous leafy stem extract; 0.2% leaded water with 400mg/kg P.murex aqueous fruit extract. Treatments were administered for 70days. Body and reproductive organs weights, sperm parameters and testicular histological sections of each group were examined. Flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, alkaloids, and lignans were found in both extracts. Lead intoxication reduced sperm motility and count but increased the percentage of morphologically abnormal sperms. Thegerminal epithelium of seminiferous tubules histoarchitecture was disorganized by lead. The leafy stem extract was effective in reducing lead induced testicular disruption whereas fruit has not shown any beneficial effect. P.murex leafy stem aqueous extract is effective against semen alterations caused by lead.

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