
This paper is the result of the research carried out in the city of Arandas, Jalisco, in order to determine the potential of the "agrillo" plant fruit (Rhus aromatica) in the elaboration of different food products and their distribution; to know the physical and food characteristics that allow a better valuation of the fruit in the food industry; to identify its life cycle, as well as exploitation opportunities in the Jalisco Highlands Region and its potential market. The "agrillo" is a fruit that can be consumed in a variety of food products, has potential in herbalism and medicine, and even as refreshing drinks and liquors, if the corresponding care is taken for the processing of the fruit. The proposal for new agricultural products is a relevant aspect from the economic, political, and social point of view; for this reason, all existing alternatives must be examined to help the state's economy and regional sustainability. The method implemented in this research was of a qualitative nature, in which the characteristics of the "agrillo", the interrelation between them and other secondary aspects that include the uses and acceptance were studied. The results showed that it is a wild species, and its fruit is collected in the hills of the region in during early spring or early autumn, each plant has an annual harvest and the production process is slow; the uses of the plant are diverse, highlighting the areas of food, herbalism, medicinal and grazing; among the organoleptic properties is distinguished the taste of acid, pungent and harsh acidity in the sense of smell and taste. The "agrillo" is a fruit that has marketing potential for the characteristics and properties it contains, added to the expectations of the market, due to the product differentiation, its originality causes acceptance to both potential and non-potential customers, trusting that in the future they will be able to buy this fruit in the places of preference. In the economic aspect, the kiloram of "agrillo" reaches $250.00 to $300.00 Mexican pesos (12.50-15.00 USD), which can be considered as a sustainable alternative of production in the region, the Rhus plant is a support in the maintenance of the soil, its leaves serve as fertilizer and become organic fertilizer for the same plant.

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