
Let there be m parallel machines and n jobs, where a job j can be scheduled on machine i to take pi,j ∈ Z+ time units. The makespan Cmax is the completion time of a machine that finishes last. The goal is to produce a schedule with all n jobs that has minimum makespan. This is the makespan problem on unrelated parallel machines, denoted as R||Cmax. Assume p, q ∈ Z+ are constants, let A(p, q) = {a ∈ Z+ | p ≤ a ≤ q}. We explore a general NP-hard subclass of R||Cmax when processing times are between p and q inclusive or pi,j =∞ abbreviated as R|pi,j ∈ A(p, q)∪ {∞}|Cmax, where pi,j =∞ means job j cannot be scheduled to machine i. We give a (q/p)-approximation algorithm for R|pi,j ∈ A(p, q) ∪ {∞}|Cmax. As a consequence, we obtain a 2-approximation algorithm for the NP-hard subclass R||Cmax with job lengths 1, 2, or pi,j = ∞. In addition, we prove R||Cmax with job lengths 1, 2, and 3 is NP-hard, and present a 3/2-approximation algorithm for this subclass of R||Cmax.

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