
The fundamental Sparsest Cut problem takes as input a graph G together with edge capacities and demands and seeks a cut that minimizes the ratio between the capacities and demands across the cuts. For n -vertex graphs G of treewidth k , Chlamtáč, Krauthgamer, and Raghavendra (APPROX’10) presented an algorithm that yields a factor- \(2^{2^k}\) approximation in time \(2^{O(k)} \cdot n^{O(1)}\) . Later, Gupta, Talwar, and Witmer (STOC’13) showed how to obtain a 2-approximation algorithm with a blown-up runtime of \(n^{O(k)}\) . An intriguing open question is whether one can simultaneously achieve the best out of the aforementioned results, that is, a factor-2 approximation in time \(2^{O(k)} \cdot n^{O(1)}\) . In this article, we make significant progress towards this goal via the following results: (i) A factor- \(O(k^2)\) approximation that runs in time \(2^{O(k)} \cdot n^{O(1)}\) , directly improving the work of Chlamtáč et al. while keeping the runtime single-exponential in k . (ii) For any \(\varepsilon \in (0,1]\) , a factor- \(O(1/\varepsilon ^2)\) approximation whose runtime is \(2^{O(k^{1+\varepsilon }/\varepsilon)} \cdot n^{O(1)}\) , implying a constant-factor approximation whose runtime is nearly single-exponential in k and a factor- \(O(\log ^2 k)\) approximation in time \(k^{O(k)} \cdot n^{O(1)}\) . Key to these results is a new measure of a tree decomposition that we call combinatorial diameter , which may be of independent interest.

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