
Blood pressure (BP) variability is involved in the appraisal of threat and safety, and can serve as a potential marker of psychological resilience against stress. The relationship between biological rhythms of BP and resilience was cross-sectionally assessed by 7-day/24-hour chronobiologic screening in a rural Japanese community (Tosa), with focus on the 12-hour component and the "circadian-circasemidian coupling" of systolic (S) BP. Tosa residents (N = 239, 147 women, 23-74 years), free of anti-hypertensive medication, completed 7-day/24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring. The circadian-circasemidian coupling was determined individually by computing the difference between the circadian phase and the circasemidian morning-phase of SBP. Participants were classified into three groups: those with a short coupling interval of about 4.5 hours (Group A), those with an intermediate coupling interval of about 6.0 hours (Group B), and those with a long coupling interval of about 8.0 hours (Group C). Residents of Group B who showed optimal circadian-circasemidian coordination had less pronounced morning and evening SBP surges, as compared to residents of Group A (10.82 vs 14.29 mmHg, P < 0.0001) and Group C (11.86 vs 15.21 mmHg, P < 0.0001), respectively. The incidence of morning or evening SBP surge was less in Group B than in Group A (P < 0.0001) or Group C (P < 0.0001). Group B residents showed highest measures of wellbeing and psychological resilience, assessed by good relation with friends (P < 0.05), life satisfaction (P < 0.05), and subjective happiness (P < 0.05). A disturbed circadian-circasemidian coupling was associated with elevated BP, dyslipidemia, arteriosclerosis and a depressive mood. The circadian-circasemidian coupling of SBP could serve as a new biomarker in clinical practice to guide precision medicine interventions aimed at achieving properly timed rhythms, and thereby resilience and wellbeing.

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