
Le siecle des Antonins incarne plus que tout autre une dualite inherente a la societe romaine. D’une part l’esprit de conquete brillement mis en pratique par Nerva, Trajan et Hadrien et de l’autre, la piete envers les dieux et la recherche d’equilibre, incarnes par Antonin le Pieux et perpetuee par Marc-Aurele. Il s’agit la de deux tendances cheres aux romains : l’armee et la religion. Les pensees de Marc-Aurele semblent exprimer le mieux cette lutte pour assurer un equilibre fragile a un peuple qui n’a quasiment jamais vecu en paix. Une approche analytique des pensees de Marc-Aurele nous a amenee a nous interroger sur l’impact de cette dualite sur la vie de l’empereur et qui semble reveler un malaise interieur que l’on ne retrouve pas chez les autres cesars. *** Analytical approach to the thoughts of Emperor Marcus Aurelius ABSTRACT The century of the Antonines embodies more than any other a duality deeply rooted into the roman society. On the one hand the spirit of conquest brilliantly put into practice by Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian and on the other, piety towards the gods and the search for balance, incarnated by Antoninus Pius and perpetuated by Marcus Aurelius. These are two trends precious to the romans: army and religion in a context perpetually electrified by the demands and defiance of the Senate. The thoughts of Marcus Aurelius seem clearly reflect this inevitable struggle to ensure a delicate balance between on the one hand the constraints of the status of emperor and on the other, the need to ensure justice to a population which has ultimately never known peace. An analytical approach of the thoughts of Marcus Aurelius has led us to question the impact of this duality on the life of the emperor himself and to glimpse an internal discomfort that is not to be sensed with other Caesars. KEY WORDS: thoughts, Senate, stoicism, Marcus-Aurelius, philosophy.

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