
Singapore is one of the world leaders in the digital of the economy by many measures. By analyzing Singapore's experience in regulating the testing and application of unmanned vehicles, it is possible to find promising ways to develop the Russian regulatory framework in this area. The article examines the general framework for the development of the regulatory framework in the sphere of regulation of relations regarding the use of intelligent technologies, as well as the basic principles of regulation of testing and application of artificial intelligence. The analysis of the regulatory framework regulating the rules of unmanned vehicles in Singapore is carried out. The text explores common regulatory intervention strategies in the implementation of new technologies. The author’s team concludes that Singapore has moved away from a prohibitionist approach and a control-oriented strategy in the regulation of AI-driven vehicles. Authorities in Singapore combine different strategies to regulate the testing and use of unmanned in favor of an adaptation-oriented approach. A risk tolerance approach is also applied to the regulation of testing and application of unmanned vehicles.

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