
The behavior of a wooden stress ribbon structures reinforced with steel rope under the action of a load evenly distributed along the entire length of the cable was investigated. The analysis of the results of static tests of the wooden reinforced cable of the VD-3.1 series is given. A criterion is proposed according to which a wooden stress ribbon structures reinforced with steel rope can be considered according to the theory of rigid threads.
 To ensure the stability and geometric invariance of the structures formed by rigid threads, an important role is played by taking into account the pliability of the supports that perceive the horizontal support reactions (spacing of the cable). Deformation of the supports of rigid cables causes the appearance of significant bending moments in the body of the cable, and also leads to an increase in the deflection of the structure. Therefore, special attention was paid to the study of the pliability of supports during the tests of wooden stress ribbon structures reinforced with steel rope to the action of a load evenly distributed along the length of the cable.
 The pliability of supports during experimental tests of wooden stress ribbon structures reinforced with steel rope was investigated. The obtained results are compared with the calculated value of the pliability of the supports, calculated based on the deformability of the installation for testing cable structures.
 The methods of calculating the deflections of the cables, which take into account the pliability of the supports, were tested. The influence of the pliability of the supports on the deflection of the cable is determined.
 At the level of the pliability of the supports, the deformability of the cable was influenced by the pliability of the nodal joints of the wooden elements of the cable. Based on this, the deformability of the joints of the wooden elements of the cable on the punched metal plate fasteners and its effect on the deflection of the cable were investigated. The coefficient of deformability of joints was suggested, which took into account the nonlinear dependence of the deformation of joints of wooden elements of the cable on the applied load.
 Due to the need to take into account the joint work of the wooden body of the cable and the steel rope, the calculated characteristics of the reduced cross section of the wooden cable reinforced with steel rope were calculated.
 A static calculation of a wooden stress ribbon structures reinforced with steel rope according to the theory of rigid threads is performed and the results of calculations are compared with experimental data.


  • Mental research of wooden stress ribbon structures reinforced with steel rope with connec

  • The methods of calculating the deflections of supports, static calculation, load, punched metal the cables, which take into account the pliability plate fasteners, connection of wooden elements

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The pliability of supports during experimental
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