
The article considers the role of information systems in the development of mankind at this historical stage. It is concluded that high rates of improvement of information systems, creating conditions for high rates of comprehensive development, give rise to a wide range of threats, including in the field of nuclear weapons management. Based on the analysis of doctrinal documents of Russia and the United States in the information sphere, the essence of different approaches to ensuring security in this sphere is shown. It is proved that ensuring the security of nuclear weapons control systems belongs to the sphere of common interests of Russia and the United States, independent of the current political relations between the two countries. The analysis of the key elements of the nuclear weapons control system (main and backup) from the point of view of vulnerability from outside interference and creating security threats is given. Problematic issues of missile attack warning systems, the space segment of nuclear weapons control systems, decision-making procedures for the use of nuclear weapons, and features related to the management of non-strategic nuclear weapons were discussed. The article contains recommendations for improving the security of nuclear weapons control systems, which may be in demand for all nuclear-weapon states, including China.

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