
AbstractWith the soaring values of artworks over the past few decades, it is increasingly important for art buyers to be mindful of the risks associated with art forgeries and potential mistakes in conservation of artworks, both of which may affect the value of their investment (the rising art prices are in part attributable to the inflation considerations). The authors of this chapter offer art law and scientific perspectives on these issues as well as make recommendations as to what an art purchaser should look out for and how art collectors and conservators may most safely approach their dealings with the market. The first part of this chapter will discuss the contractual protections, scientific tools, and legal remedies that may be available to a buyer of a fake or forged artwork. The second part of this chapter is dedicated to the potential impacts of conservation on artworks, as well as the risks and remedies in connection with the process of conservation and restoration of artworks. Most of the discussion of legal issues is based on the United States law perspective.KeywordsArt forgeryRestorationConservationLegal issues

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