
This report is an analysis of 50 consecutive, surgically treated cases of bronchiectasis at the Lahey Clinic in the five year period ending August 31, 1945. There has been no death, either in the hospital or during the follow-up period, and the series again confirms the prediction of early workers in thoracic surgery that invalidism from bronchiectasis may be cured and functional usefulness restored by appropriate pulmonary resection. In space of time covered, this five year period may be considered that in which thoracic surgery came of age. These years encompass those patients who received the benefits of improved surgical technic, effective chemotherapeutic agents and more seasoned judgment in clinical management. Granted that the care of bronchiectatic patients cannot be regarded as perfect until the disease is prevented from occurring, it would seem appropriate at this time to record the observations, practices and results emerging from one carefully studied group

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