
Hydrocarbons serve the prime energy source of the world and the backbone to industrial development. Hydrocarbon potential is explored here using the spatial multi-criteria decision-making method. In order to demarcate the hydrocarbon potential zones within Masila oil field, Yemen, various thematic layers of multi-criteria factors affecting the hydrocarbons such as basement depth map (BDM), gravity anomaly map (GAM), magnetic anomaly map (MAM), subsurface faults system map (SFSM), upper syn-rift isopach map (USRIM), post-rift isopach map (PRIM), and lower syn-rift isopach map (LSRIM) were generated using the information extracted from both the geophysical and wells data available for the oil field. Geographical information system (GIS) techniques were used to generate various thematic maps that were subsequently converted to raster format and reclassified into various classes on the basis of their relative importance and the opinion of relevant experts. These thematic maps and their feature classes were assigned weights (eigenvalues) and rank by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and following the theories of multi-criteria analysis (MCA). Furthermore, these maps were superimposed using the weighted linear combination (WLC) model on the GIS platform. The results of the integration of the thematic maps were classified into three classes representing the three hydrocarbon potential zones, namely, high potential zone (39.8%), moderate potential zone (49.1%), and low potential zone (11.1%). The cross plots of occurrence of the hydrocarbon reservoir, existing oil fields, and well locations were inferred for validation. The validation results revealed a good prospect for hydrocarbon potential in the study area. The novel quantitative approach used in the present study is capable of providing comprehensive results and assessment of hydrocarbons in the Masila oil field and other areas as well.

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