
The Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) was the oldest educational institution in Indonesia. From its ancient history, it is a community-based educational institution (community-based education which is established, organized and organized by society). After 1936, as a result of the development of Islamic boarding schools, it was divided into two parts: traditional, known as Salafism, and Modernism. Although Islamic boarding schools, known as "pesantren", are a well-established social reality in Indonesian society, they have not received much attention and government intervention to develop or empower them in government laws and regulations from its original inception to 1998. There are questions in this area: How does education in Islamic boarding schools look like? Has education applied contemporary educational methods and theories? Do the recently implemented Islamic boarding school teaching and learning processes apply higher thinking skills? How are higher thinking skills applied in Islamic boarding schools? The method in this research is a descriptive introspective analysis that will be discussed through inductive analysis on how to implement higher thinking skills by following the various activities carried out in Islamic boarding schools, from teaching and learning activities to the daily activities of students, through this discussion, the model of applying higher thinking skills in modern Islamic boarding schools and its advantages will be shown. Key words: Kiahi - Creative Thinking - Activities - Model - Acquisition - Salafism and Modernity

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