
The widespread dissemination of World Wide Web has paved the way to express individual sentiments. Also, it is a medium with a massive quantity of data where the user can view the opinions of other users that are categorized into dissimilar sentimental classes and are growing increasingly as a major aspect in decision making. Sentiment analysis (SA) is a method utilized in natural language processing (NLP) that defines the emotion or sentiment formulated in the text portion. SA method is often performed on text datasets to assist in accepting client requirements, businesses monitoring brands, and product sentiment in customer feedback. SA is the challenging and most common complication in artificial intelligence (AI). It applies automated mechanisms to identify physiological information namely feelings, thoughts, and attitudes shown in text and indicated through blogs, social networks, and news. This manuscript develops Applied Linguistics driven Artificial Intelligence for Automated Sentiment Detection and Classification (ALAI-ASDC) technique. The preprocessing stage includes tokenizing and cleaning textual information, followed by encoder words into vector representation using pretrained GloVe embeddings. This embedding captures semantic similarities between words, which provides an abundant depiction of textual information for SA. Integrating single-valued neutrosophic fuzzy soft expert set (SVNFSES) improves the SA method by addressing imprecision, uncertainty, and ambiguity inherent in text sentiment expression. FNS enables the representation of linguistic variables with degrees of truth, falsity, and indeterminacy, allowing a nuanced understanding of sentiment polarity. Moreover, the Hybrid Jelly Particle Swarm Optimization (HJPSO) is applied for the parameter tuning of the SA technique. Enhancing the performance of the SA model. Empirical analysis illustrates the efficiency of the presented technique in precisely categorizing sentiment polarity in different textual datasets

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