
Applied art is the synthesis of many science and technologies, production process technology, and it has strong development in many countries all over the world. Applied art products are always present in all shapes and sizes in every urban space and have a strong interaction with the architectural and environmental landscape. A modern civilized city always needs harmonious alignment in the planning of these elements. In many urban areas in Vietnam, the interaction between architectural landscapes, urban environments, and urban beauties was not really taken seriously. It is obvious that the weaknesses in management are directly affecting the urban beauty. The overall picture of the city was not beautiful due to the absence of a head of the urban management. Discussing some solutions to improve the face of urban in Vietnam, it is necessary to clearly define the important role of the urban management levels; enhance the role of architects, artists, designers; build a civilized lifestyle, educate the sense of self-awareness and proper behavior of each urban resident.


  • Applied arts an art form that combines art and function; pragmatics and beauty; durability and aesthetics

  • Affirming the essential role serving life and the people at all times and in all fields of applied arts including: Designing industrial products and many industrial products designing such as televisions, refrigerators, cars, airplanes, trains, ships... are constantly changing and redesigning new styles to suit their needs and conditions as well as the development of modern science and technology; Fashion design; Graphic design; Design stage art - cinema; Interior and

  • Some of the major’s influent to urban aesthetics that can be identified, including: + Many levels of urban management are confused by the factors that directly affect urban beauty: economy, integration and open culture and traditional culture, people's intellectuals so they adjust policies slowly

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Applied arts an art form that combines art and function; pragmatics and beauty; durability and aesthetics It is the sum of many branches such as science and technology, technological process of production and strong development in many countries in the world. Only the art of visual art including fine arts and sculpture (paintings, statues, reliefs) are noble while applied arts and handicraft art are considered despicable types. Type’s identification of applied art in the living space of people can be changed depending on the different approaches nowadays

Literature review
Aesthetic condition of some urban centers in Vietnam today
Recognizes a number of major causes
Discus about some solutions to improve the face of Vietnamese urban
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