
Mesh smoothing is demonstrated to be an effective means of copying, morphing, and sweeping unstructured quadrilateral surface meshes from a source surface to a target surface. Construction of the smoother in a particular way guarantees that the target mesh will be a ‘copy’ of the source mesh, provided the boundary data of the target surface is a rigid body rotation, translation, and/or uniform scaling of the original source boundary data and provided the proper boundary node correspondence between source and target has been selected. Copying is not restricted to any particular smoother, but can be based on any locally elliptic second-order operator. When the bounding loops are more general than rigid body transformations the method generates high-quality, ‘morphed’ meshes. Mesh sweeping, if viewed as a morphing of the source surface to a set of target surfaces, can be effectively performed via this smoothing algorithm. Published in 1999 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This article is a U.S. government work and is in the public domain in the United States.

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