
Abstract Ancient Chinese mural paintings have been handed down to the present day, which are the artistic treasures of the Chinese nation and have become an important cultural heritage. Traditional frescoes have high aesthetic value, and their grand scale, orderly inheritance and rich content show great artistic achievements. The creation technique of Chinese traditional frescoes has procedural nature and the use of materials is standardized. Based on this, this thesis takes Chinese traditional mural painting materials as an entry point, focuses on analysing the material techniques of traditional mural paintings, and also carries out practical research on the materials and techniques of composite material paintings, and explores the application of traditional materials to form new picture effects. In recent years, based on the concept of cultural inheritance and innovation, I have created composite material paintings by applying traditional mural painting techniques and the production method of innovative application of materials, using the ground battle layer, which is the same material as that of the ancient mural paintings, as a base, and exploring the contemporary expression of traditional colour materials. These works present the connotation of immateriality in the form of materials, produce new artistic effects in terms of vision, touch and even sensation, embody the contemporary expressive function of traditional materials and techniques, and carry out a useful exploration of the contemporary inheritance and innovation of Chinese traditional mural painting art. This research obtains a new method of artistic expression by integrating and utilizing traditional mural painting materials with modern painting. Abstrak Lukisan dinding China purba yang terdapat di China merupakan khazanah negara serta warisan budaya yang penting bagi negara China. Teknik tradisi “fresco” merupakan satu teknik yang banyak digunakan serta merupakan satu teknik yang memerlukan disiplin yang tinggi. Ianya merupakan teknik lukisan yang mempunyai nilai estetik yang tinggi. Teknik “fresco” menggunakan bahan-bahan yang terpilih serta memerlukan disiplin yang tinggi dalam proses penghasilan sesuatu lukisan. Penyelidikan ini memberi tumpuan kepada penganalisaan kepada bahan komposit dan teknik tradisi lukisan dinding dalam penghasilan kesan kepada seni kontemporari. Berdasarkan konsep warisan budaya, penyelidik telah menghasilkan lukisan dengan menggunakan bahan komposit dengan mengekplorasi bahan kontemporari yang dicampur dengan tanah bagi menghasilkan warna tradisional. Ini merupakan teknik yang sama sebagai asas pada lukisan dinding kuno yang dihasilkan pada dinding China purba. Karya-karya ini menghasilkan kesan artistik baru melalui penglihatan, sentuhan serta fungsi ekspresi kontemporari melalui bahan dan teknik tradisional. Ia juga memberi nilai tambah dalam seni warisan kontemporari dan tradisi China. Hasil dari inovasi ini penyelidik memprolehi kaedah baru dalam mengintegrasikan bahan-bahan tradisional kedalam lukisan moden.

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