
The application of computer technology such as 3D modeling, simulators, virtual reality, and augmented reality, will always provide benefits to the maritime sector. The object of study used in this research is the physical bridge simulator at Poltekpel Surabaya which is used as a virtual simulator using virtual reality. Through the application of virtual reality technology, it can be developed into an educational facility for the cadets there which does not only rely on 2D or 3D forms but can be used as a simulator where users can interact directly in the application. With this simulator, it can save in terms of manufacturing costs and in terms of usage it becomes more effective and practical. In this simulator application the user can participate in a virtual 3D environment that is simulated like a real environment. With a simulator using virtual reality, users can learn how to operate a ship like a captain without having to visit the ship’s bridge directly. Simulators with virtual reality will provide a virtual learning environment that can be accessed easily anywhere and anytime. Based on the results of the cadet assessment test questionnaire consisting of 7 questions with 30 respondents, it can be concluded that the VR application for the Bridge Simulator is in the very good category because the application is easy to understand by the respondents and the 3D results from the ship’s bridge at Poltekpel are the same with those in the simulator application and for the results of the questionnaire calculations have a total value of 908 which is between 840 to 1050, or 87% in the percentage calculation.

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