
 Consumer rejection is usually related to quality problems. The quality expected by consumers is of course the dragon fish feet which have SNI 7759.2013 standards. One of the concepts of food quality and safety that are recommended to support and guarantee food quality is the traceability system. There are 2 aspects to the traceability system, tracing, and tracking, which function as tools in recording the production footprint of a product. The purpose of the implementation of the research is to know the application of the traceability system on the product of the dragon's foot and to know the tracking and tracing system at PT. Ardena Artha Mulia. This research was carried out with data analysis methods and data collection techniques that would be carried out in the form of observations, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. The results of this Environmental Impact Assessment Audit Commission indicate that the process of making dragon foot products in PT. Ardena Artha Mulia, which started from the process of receiving materials to the delivery/stufing process, has implemented a traceability system by carrying out 2 aspects of the traceability system, the tracing, and tracking system. Evidence that the process of making dragon foot products has been implemented well with the stages of monitoring forms in each manufacturing process. On each monitoring form, a production code will be included to make it easier for manufacturers to track the product if something goes wrong so the factory can trace the root of the problem.
 fishsauce, bulu ayam fish, bromelain enzyme, fermentation


  • ABSTRAK Penolakan konsumen biasanya terkait masalah mutu

  • One of the concepts of food quality and safety that are recommended to support and guarantee food quality is the traceability system

  • Pengembangan Model Tracing dan Tracking dalam Proses Distribusi untuk Mendukung Kualitas Produk Pertanian

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Perdagangan pangan dunia (global food trading) menunjukkan bahwa adanya dinamika perubahan gaya hidup manusia dalam mengkonsumsi pangan dari belahan dunia lainnya (Wallace, Sperber & Mortimore, 2011). Regulasi ini mencakup elemen-elemen penting, seperti aturan traceability dan penarikan produk berbahaya yang terdapat dipasaran. PERMENKP RI Nomor: Per. 01/Men/2007 tentang pengendalian sistem jaminan mutu dan keamanan pangan pada pasal 13 menjelaskan tentang prinsip ketelusuran (traceability) yang menekankan bahwa pelaku usaha pengolahan harus memberikan label atau informasi yang 2 mengidentifikasi ketelusurannya sesuai dengan persyaratan jenis produk tertentu. Maka dari itu sistem traceability dalam jaminan keamanan pangan sangat penting untuk diperhatikan. Terdapat 2 aspek dalam sistem traceability yaitu tracing dan tracking yang berfungsi sebagai alat dalam merekam jejak produksi dari suatu produk. Teknologi yang dibutuhkan dalam melakukan tracing dan tracking terdapat pada penerimaan bahan baku, proses produksi, distribusi, packing dan labeling (Handayani, 2014). Maka perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai penerapan sistem traceability pada produk kaki naga dengan menggunakan sistem tracing dan tracking yang ada di PT. Ardena Artha Mulia mulai dari penerimaan bahan baku, pengolahan dan sampai distribusi

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