
The article highlights the principle "from General to Particular" as a basic principle in a variety of artistic activities, in teaching visual art literacy, in particular, and training novice painters for plein-air practice. The article is aimed at providing assistance and practical recommendations in training students for plein-air practice. In the article the author describes the emergence of the principle "from Simple to Complex" ("from General to Particular") since ancient times, its development during the Renaissance and its relevance in the modern system of teaching fine arts. The article reflects the aesthetic component of this principle within the frame of the world order system in general. The author shows concrete examples of application of the principle "from General to Particular " or "from Simple to Complex" in teaching composition finding the composition center and subordination to it of all parts of the composition; academic drawing – analysis of objects and shapes, tonal drawing, as well as academic painting, we mean the general coloring of the painting.

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