
Problem setting . One of the effective tools of interpersonal interaction is the prospect of becoming public organizations, which, in our opinion, should be given priority in fulfilling the social tasks of the state and society. Their potential is clearly underestimated, and institutional subjectivity and methodological demand are not fully motivated. Therefore, there is a question about developing and applying a public strategy of updating a public organization as a socially oriented and socially useful entity in the conditions of decentralization of power, which can be an impetus to innovative perception of the place and role of public self-organization in public-state relations. Recent research and publications analysis. When starting an analysis of the rebranding process, you should first clearly understand the concept of “brand” in our thematic disposition. First of all, the branding process is characteristic of the economic, economic and business sphere, where particular importance is attached to the quality of goods or services and their marking (mark, sign, symbol, etc.) is highly appreciated. This is a sign of competitiveness and rating hierarchy. Some researchers consider branding as even a long-term strategy of the organization. However, in our case, we study the socially-oriented functional capabilities of such a civil society institution as a public organization, and consider it a kind of public brand that is subject to renewal, in accordance with the requirements of time and public-state inquiries. In this context, the materials of N. Pigul and D. Pospelovsky also came in handy. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Much attention should be paid to the search for a new face for social transformation providers, including those we see as a public organization. This institution of civil society must conform to the newest format of its positioning in socio-economic and socio-political processes, be subjectively static, fulfill the tasks of a real link between state power and civil society and promote primarily socially oriented ones. Therefore, we consider it necessary to develop a strategic approach to the application of the process of “institutional re-branding of a public organization”, which lays down the procedure for updating the named institution of civil society and traces the conditions of state assistance to its intended purpose in the current conditions of decentralization of administrative powers and administrative-territorial changes. Paper main body . However, this requires a dramatic change in the institutional position of the public organization in the social environment and a process of updating its brand. In this case, the public organization becomes a socially useful phenomenon of public-management relations, on the one hand, and the state provides targeted assistance to its development, on the other. Therefore, we propose to carry out institutional re-branding of a non-governmental organization in case of several relevant factors at that time. We propose to introduce into scientific circulation the concept of “institutional rebranding of a public organization”, by which we mean a set of certain wellness measures aimed at changing the socio-organizational quality of its functional capacity and constituent elements that enhance the role and place of associations of citizens in a socially oriented state. First of all, it is about the ideology of socially useful activity and positioning, the perception of public organization in society and the state as a social and socially significant phenomenon. In this case, institutional rebranding is aimed at changing the way in which the organizations operate in society and their perception, which has developed earlier in the minds of citizens. In our opinion, the implementation of institutional rebranding allows to bring the public organization in line with contemporary social requirements and requests, transformation of its purpose, brand, dynamics of development of the state and society and prospects of activating the role of the factor of self-organization in the life of citizens. Thus, first of all, the changes concern a new approach to the role of public organization in the life of society and strengthening its social purpose. At the same time, the legal status and type of public formation (public association) of the organization is practically unchanged, and institutional rebranding is aimed at transforming the socially-oriented essence of society and its subjective socially useful expression in society and the state. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Institutional rebranding of a non-governmental organization is a modern production necessity arising from the conditions of civil society development, democratic reforms in Ukraine, and especially the decentralization of the public administration system with elements of public-management innovation. In our opinion, the renewal of the institutional image of a non-governmental organization is a kind of request of modern Ukrainian society and an auxiliary factor of fulfillment of socially oriented state-building tasks before citizens.

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