
The power-law wrinkling model proposed by Charlette et al. (Combust. Flame 131(1), 159–181, 2002) is applied in a dynamic approach (Charlette et al., 131(1),181–197 2002) and coupled with F-TACLES (Filtered TAbulated Chemistry for Large Eddy Simulation) combustion model (Schmitt et al., Proc. Combust. Inst. 34(1), 1261–1268, 2013). A ”Germano-like” procedure based on a Gaussian filtering of the flame structure is used in this dynamic formulation (Wang et al., Combust. Flam 158(11), 2199–2213, 2011). The combustion model is implemented in a block structured low-Mach code including the dynamic Smagorinsky model to describe the subgrid scale flow structures. Diverse numerical simulations are conducted for a lean premixed turbulent Bunsen type flame (Matrix Burner), both with dynamic and non-dynamic formulation of the power-low wrinkling model on two different grid levels to retrieve the evolving flow and combustion properties. Comparisons of numerical and experimental statistical results show a large discrepancy for non-dynamic formulation (Charlette et al., Combust. Flame 131(1), 159–181 2002) using different predefined values for the power exponent. The statistical results using dynamically determined model parameter are very encouraging and underline that the utilization of the dynamic formulation is very important for an automatically correct prediction of the turbulent burning velocity.

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