Social isolation is the client's effort to avoid interaction with others. Therapy is given to patients with social isolation by providing social group activity therapy. Social group activity therapy is a group activity therapy with learning activities stages of communication with others to improve the ability to socially relate. The purpose of social group activity therapy is to facilitate the ability of patients with social relationship problems so as to improve the ability and train patients in socializing to minimize the number of patients with mental disorders. The purpose of this case study is to compose a resume of nursing care in the application of social group activity therapy to train patients in reducing the symptoms of social isolation. This type of research is descriptive with a case study method. The subjects of this study were patients with schizophrenia, patients withdrawing, patients who had already gotten the strategy of implementing 2 social isolation. The results of the study showed that there was a change in the decrease in social isolation signs before treatment of social group activity in Patient I by 27 symptoms and in Patient II in 24 symptoms after social group activity therapy in Patient I was 5 symptoms and Patient II was 5 symptom signs after giving social group activity therapy for 7 sessions so that patients are expected to be able to maintain socialization with others
Social isolation is the client's effort to avoid interaction with others
Therapy is given to patients with social isolation by providing social group activity therapy
The purpose of social group activity therapy is to facilitate the ability of patients with social relationship problems so as to improve the ability and train patients in socializing to minimize the number of patients with mental disorders
Isolasi sosial merupakan upaya klien menghindari interaksi dengan orang lain,. Terapi yang diberikan kepada pasien dengan isolasi sosial dengan memberikan terapi aktivitas kelompok sosial. Terapi aktivitas kelompok sosial adalah terapi aktivitas kelompok dengan aktivitas belajar tahapan komunikasi dengan orang lain untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam berhubungan sosial. Tujuan dilakukan terapi aktivitas kelompok sosial adalah memfasilitasi kemampuan pasien dengan masalah hubungan sosial sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dan melatih pasien dalam bersosialisasi untuk meminimalisir jumlah pasien yang mengalami gangguan jiwa. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah pasien dengan skizofrenia, pasien menarik diri, pasien yang sudah mendapatkan strategi pelaksanaan 2 isolasi sosial. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa ada perubahan penurunan tanda gejala isolasi sosial sebelum dilakukan terapi aktivitas kelompok sosial pada pasien I sebanyak 27 tanda gejala dan pada pasien II sebanyak 24 tanda gejala setelah dilakukan terapi aktivitas kelompok sosial pada pasien I adalah 5 tanda gejala dan pasien II sebanyak 5 tanda gejala setelah pemberian terapi aktivitas kelompok sosial selama 7 sesi sehingga diharapkan pasien dapat mempertahankan sosialisasi dengan orang lain
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