
Problem setting. Secret diplomacy, in various forms, has remained a key method of international relations and the development of relations between states. For example, the fate of the Caribbean Crisis was decided by secret diplomacy between the United States and the Soviet Union. However, despite the extremely large influence of secret diplomacy on the development of international relations, it is necessary to note a rather small level of study of secret diplomacy as a phenomenon. Analysis of recent researches and publications. In the scientific literature, the theoretical aspects of secret diplomacy have been the subject of scientific research by such scholars as Cornelia Biolu, Anthony Venis-V. John, Pika SM, Kostyuk DA, Pron TM, but a significant number of extremely important documents for understanding the problem remains in closed access. That is why the lack of scientific literature, which would describe secret diplomacy in the theoretical aspect, significantly complicates the study and study of secret diplomacy in general. Target of research. The aim of the paper is to carry out a critical review of the definition of secret diplomacy, to analyze the types of secret diplomacy and to consider features of their functioning in international relations, as well as to identify the disadvantages and advantages of secret diplomacy. Article’s main body. The article provides a general analysis of the definition of the concept of "secret diplomacy" in international practice. The opinions of leading scientists are given. Examples from history are analyzed. The paper analyzes in detail the types of secret diplomacy, and also considers the features of their functioning in international relations. In addition, the main advantages and disadvantages of secret diplomacy were formulated, as well as the prospect of its further application in practice. Conclusions. Secret diplomacy is the activity of the government to implement the foreign, international policy of the state, which is conducted in secret from society, other states and third parties in order to facilitate negotiations, establish relations and obtain various benefits. The methods of secret diplomacy have been used since ancient times and continue to be key not only in relations between states, but also in resolving international conflicts, despite the fact that the phenomenon has a number of disadvantages in addition to its advantages. There are several types of secret diplomacy, each of which differs from the others not only in its purposes for which it is used, but also in its components.

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