
Bonding agents (BA) are key compounding ingredients for the correct formulation of composite solid rocket propellants (CSRP). In particular, the addition of BA is essential to achieve suitable mechanical properties of CSRP in terms of adequate tensile strength and elongation at the break. It is shown that the polarity of each conventional BA as well as new potential BA can be measured through the Reichardt’s ET(30) polarity scale. Using this methodology, it was possible to propose a substitute for MAPO (tris-(methylaziridinyl)-phosphine oxide), a conventional BA with the drawback of high toxicity and high reactivity, with TTPT (tris-(pyrrolidine)-phosphine oxide), a completely safe and effective BA. In this work, several other potential BA were evaluated through the Reichardt’s ET(30) polarity scale but only a selection of the potential BA were effectively tested in a standard CSRP. The evaluation of TTPT vs. MAPO showing the ability of the former BA to match the mechanical properties of the latter BA was particularly interesting. A reasonable correlation between the elongation at break of the CSRP and the ET(30) value of the BA used in the compound was found.

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