
Over the past twenty years, various strategic development concepts and programs, as well as federal targeted programs, have been implemented in the Russian Federation. In this regard, it should be noted that this experience of long-term planning has created significant opportunities for using the project management method in the state and municipal sector. The article presents the results of a small retrospective analysis of the emergence of the project management method. It is noted that in our country, the application of the project management method began in the 60-ies first in construction and industry, and then in other sectors of the economy. The concept and essence of the project management method are considered. The project management process is defined as the solution of some tasks. Further, it should be noted that in Russia today, the application of an innovative method of project management in various fields and areas is developing, as well as the active implementation of various national projects. It is obvious that in the Russian Federation, the use of an innovative method of project management at the state level is directly related to the implementation of national projects. This study is devoted to the application of the project management method as an innovation in public administration at the regional and municipal levels in the process of implementing public policy, as well as attempts to find solutions for the development of the project management method in the state and municipal sector. To this end, the article assesses the current state of implementation of the project management method and determines the prospects for its development in the state and municipal sector.

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