
Palm oil waste management must be done as a form of implementing zero waste palm oil industry. Oil palm Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) are one of the solid wastes produced from processing Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB). PT ABC manages EFB waste by utilizing it as organic fertilizer with the mulching method. EFB is organic material containing nutrients and can improve soil physical properties when applied to plant cultivation areas. This study was conducted to determine the impact of EFB application on plantation land on the level of oil palm production and the potential for pests that can be caused and to analyze the implementation of EFB application at PT ABC, Bengkulu. The study method used is descriptive, using primary data obtained through observation, interviews, literature studies and documentation, and secondary data obtained by identifying organisms at the spot of EFB application and observing oil palm plants for symptoms of horn beetle attack. Then, data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistical methods and SWOT analysis methods. The results showed that the application of EFB with a single layer mulching method at PT ABC could reduce the risk of the appearance of horn beetle pests and could potentially increase the productivity of oil palm plants, although not too high. PT ABC has the opportunity to carry out a comprehensive EFB application to have a good impact on the company by considering the recommended SWOT analysis strategy.

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