
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is the world’s primary protein and oil source for human and animals. Soybean seeds average 40% protein, 35% carbohydrate, 20% oil, and 5% ash. Soybean is not only an essential and dominant source of nutrition for humans and animals but it also has numerous other uses and is the leading source for biodiesel. Soybean represented 56% of the world’s vegetable oil seed production, and soybean oil was second only to palm (Arecaceae: Elaeis) oil in consumption (http://www.soystats.com). Recent studies indicate that consumption of soybean reduces cancer, blood serum cholesterol, osteoporosis and heart disease (Birt et al., 2004). Also, soybeans are a good source of minerals, vitamins, folic acid, and isoflavones which are credited with slowing the development of these diseases (Wilson, 2004). Thus, the demand for edible soybean products has increased dramatically. Also, the desire for more meat in diets among the world’s population has increased, consequently the demand for soybean protein for livestock and poultry feed has increased. In addition to feed and food, soybean has numerous industrial applications such as building materials, plastics, printing inks, paints, hydraulic fluids, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and soy-diesel fuel that burns cleaner and pollutes less than petroleum derived fuels. The increased importance of soybeans as a world crop has led to a huge expansion in world soybean production (http://www.soystats.com). In the last twenty years, world soybean production has increased steadily from 70 million tons in 1984 to 220 million tons in 2008. About 80% of the world supply was produced in North and South America. The United States, Brazil and Argentina were the major producers and exporters of soybean. In 2008, among these countries, the United States was the leading soybean producer at 73 million tons or about 33% of the total world production. At the same time Brazil and Argentina produced about 61 (28%) and 46 (21%) million tons, respectively (http://www.soystats.com). Although soybean is native to China, China produced 14 million tons (6% of the total) and India produced about 9 million tons (4% of the total). The remaining 5% was produced in countries of Asia and Europe. In 2008 total oilseed

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