
This paper addresses the problem of heart rate (HR) monitoring from photo-plethysmography(PPG) sensors, where artifacts caused by body movements drastically affect the quality of the measurement signal. The PPG signal is windowed into consecutive segments, and for each time-windows, a Butterworth bandpass filter is utilized to attenuate high-frequency noises. Then, the PPG signal is processed by using the singular spectrum analysis technique to obtain a smooth PPG signal. In order to remove artifacts caused by the physical activity of the subject, the 3-dimensional accelerometer signal is used as an auxiliary signal to detect the presence of motion artifact (MA). A new spectral subtraction approach is proposed for MA rejection. For the purpose of HR estimation from the PPG signal, a feature extraction method is performed, and neural network binary classifier is used to detect the most probable frequencies corresponding to the actual HR. HR estimations are passed through a Kalman filter to result in smooth and accurate HR estimations.

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