
Modern nanotechnology began in late twentieth century in 1981. This technology involves the understanding, control of matter as well as manipulation of substances at the nano-meter-scale. Nowadays nanotechnology is being used in many fields. It includes agriculture, modern branches of science, various industries, astrology, biotechnology etc. Even in agriculture, there is a lack of nanotechnology for many things. They are taking precautions to ensure that they do not adversely affect the environment by using nanomaterials as a supplement to agriculture for mass production. The target of application of nanomaterials is to perform Precision farming for mass yield and sustainable development in agriculture sector. Precision is new method of agriculture which concept of inputs of fertilizer, pesticides and crop protection to match the variation to growing conditions with field. Nanotechnology is used for various management, applications such as agrochemicals, waste management, target genetic engineering, labeling and imaging, plant growth and germination, DNA sequencing, microarray, sensing disease, nano-barcodes, controlling the quality and products, water management and many others Fields. This review based on application of nanotechnology and nano materials in agriculture. To address the increasing challenges of sustainable production and food security, significant technological advancements and innovations have been made in recent years in the field of agriculture

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