
Rapid globalization processes, formation and development of innovation-oriented economy, Ukraine’s integration into the global financial and economic space, which lead to intensification of cooperation with foreign partners, are reflected in all areas of activity and cause new demands for the competence of future professionals, and foreign language communicative competence holds a substantial position. To implement these tasks, the main strategy for the development of the higher education system is the adaptation of curricula to the international level, inclusion of international aspects at all levels of educational and research activities of higher education institutions. Pedagogical technologies are active teaching methods based on the interaction of the teacher with students. When conducting classes with the use of pedagogical technologies, the teacher acts as an organizer, and his main task is to direct the process of information exchange between the students, namely, consolidation of previously learned material, identifying different points of view, increasing student’s activity, combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills. When teaching a foreign language in the non-linguistic higher education institution, pedagogical technologies are distributed according to the type of organization and management of cognitive activity, namely: structural and logical, integrative, game-based, computer-based, dialogue-based, and – training ones. Organization of the educational process with the use of pedagogical technologies allows students to get more professionally oriented information, allows them to ask questions with their subsequent solution. When learning a foreign language in a non-linguistic higher education institution, pedagogical technologies targeted at the development of intercultural foreign language communication of students are used, namely: structural and logical (work in small groups, aquarium); integrative (cluster, cinquain); game-based (Brownian motion, sparring partnership, puzzle); dialogue-based (large circle, carousel); training (decision tree, brainstorming, case method, project method). Harmonious formation of personal and professional self-esteem is an important condition for achieving professional competence of the future specialist. The main objectives of pedagogical technologies in foreign language learning are as follows: social (ability to cooperate, ability to solve problems in different professional situations, mutual understanding skills, active participation, social and professional values and skills, communication skills, mobility, ability to identify personal roles in a professional team), motivational (ability to learn, ingenuity, skills to adapt and be mobile, ability to succeed in professional activities, desire to improve professional level, interests and intrinsic motivation, personal practical abilities, ability to make individual choices and set personal goals), functional (linguistic competence, professional and scientific competence, ability to operate knowledge in professional activities and self-study, ability to use sources of information for the personal development). Mastering a foreign language by the students is the basis for many special disciplines in a non-linguistic higher education institution. Practical skills of foreign language communication cannot exist separately from theoretical knowledge, and this contradiction helps to solve the use of pedagogical technologies, the main of which are practice-oriented teaching methods. Practice-oriented teaching methods help to engage students in professional activities without being excluded from classes. The essence of practice-oriented learning involves organization of the educational process on the basis of the harmony of operational and activitybased components; assimilation of new information and acquisition of skills of practical experience and use of theoretical knowledge when solving vital tasks; awareness of the importance and significance of learning. A practiceoriented learning should be based on practical approach. The purpose of the practical approach is to develop students’ ability to act, and the means of learning for the students should be knowledge that are currently required in various fields of social and professional practice, forming an understanding of where and under what circumstances this knowledge may be useful.

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