
The article, based on the methodology of system analysis, considers the application of measures to ensure the claim in the administrative proceedings of Ukraine. Judicial protection includes various components, including procedures for reviewing decisions and actions or inaction of public authorities. The institute of securing a claim on an administrative claim, which was formed in administrative proceedings, is the result of a discussion on the formation of a European system of administrative justice in Ukraine. It is established that the mechanism of securing a lawsuit in an administrative lawsuit has a pronounced positive effect on achieving the key goal and objectives of administrative proceedings. This applies to ensuring legality and discipline in the system of public administration, elimination of violations by officials of public authorities. The applied mechanism promotes full realization of the right of subjects directly involved in public legal relations to judicial protection from illegal actions and decisions accepted by the public power and its officials, on realization of full and effective protection of the rights, freedoms and lawful interests of physical and legal persons. The institute of securing the claim can be considered as a logical conclusion of the procedure of establishing the public-law specialization of the procedural provision of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the plaintiff. It is determined that the allocation of security of the claim as a special institution in the system of administrative proceedings is explained by the following factors: security measures, typical for the exercise of judicial power; the specifics of the legal environment, where the prerequisites for the existence of institutions of administrative law, for the emergence of public disputes, the further development of which occurs in the implementation of administrative powers of public authorities in relation to all other persons involved in administrative relations.

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