
The article considers the role of non-profit organizations in the system of public administration and focuses on the peculiarities of their administrative and legal status. The author highlights an increasing role of nonprofit organizations in the system of public administration, as it is connected with the evolution of the mechanism of public administration, its decentralization and attempts to use the mechanisms of self-organization. Due to the possibility of delegation of a number of public powers by the state to non-profit organizations, it is concluded that the composition of the participants with powers in the system of public administration has changed. By involving non-profit organizations in the system of public administration, the State pursues the goal of reducing the “visible” role of the State in various spheres of economy and a political sphere. Due to the transfer of certain public powers of the State to non-profit organizations, such organizations will combine different aspects of the legal nature of the organizations, in particular the intertwined civil law status and the administrative law status, since the same normative legal acts are used without taking into account the peculiarities of legal relations in which the relevant types of non-profit organizations participate. The difference between the legal status, the legal status of a non-profit organization as a participant of administrative legal relations and a non-profit organization as a participant of civil law relations is that in civil law a non-profit organization is considered as an organizational and legal form of a legal entity — a participant of transactions and relations regulated by civil law; under administrative law and in administrative-procedural relations it is treated as a form of implementation of public rights of citizens in the sphere of public administration, certain public powers of the State in the sphere of public administration. Attention is drawn to the duality of the legal status of non-profit organizations, that is associated, among other things, with different moments of their legal personality. The moment of emergence of capacity under administrative law and legal capacity differs from the similar moment of emergence capacity under civil law and legal capacity.


  • The article considers the role of non-profit organizations in the system of public administration and focuses on the peculiarities of their administrative and legal status

  • By involving non-profit organizations in the system of public administration, the State pursues the goal of reducing the “visible” role of the State in various spheres of economy and a political sphere

  • Due to the transfer of certain public powers of the State to non-profit organizations, such organizations will combine different aspects of the legal nature of the organizations, in particular the intertwined civil law status and the administrative law status, since the same normative legal acts are used without taking into account the peculiarities of legal relations in which the relevant types of non-profit organizations participate

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По причине передачи отдельных публичных полномочий государства некоммерческим организациям такие организации будут совмещать в себе разные аспекты юридической природы организаций, в частности гражданско-правовой статус и административно-правовой, которые переплетаются между собой, так как используются одни и те же нормативные правовые акты без учета особенностей правоотношений, в которые вступают соответствующие виды некоммерческих организаций. Н. Братановский, рассматривая особенности административно-правовых отношений, отмечает, что в управленческой практике встречаются случаи, когда административно-правовые отношения складываются без участия органа государственного управления или его должностного лица, и это связано с делегированием общественным организациям отдельных внешневластных функций государственных органов.

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