
Paraffin-embedded and frozen biopsies from the human conjunctival epithelium were examined by fluorescence microscopy after labeling with eight fluorescein-conjugated lectins: wheat germ agglutinin; soybean agglutinin; peanut agglutinin; Ricinus communis agglutinin-1; Limulus polyphemus agglutinin; Ulex europaeus agglutinin-1; Dolichos biflorus agglutinin; concanavalin A. The lectins were used as specific molecular probes to detect carbohydrate composition of glycoproteins secreted from the conjunctival goblet cells. The labeling pattern of goblet cells and conjunctival epithelial surfaces with various lectins suggested that N-acetyl-glucosamine, galactose, N-acetyl-galactosamine and sialic acid are contained in goblet cells and contribute to the formation of tear mucus glycoprotein. Fucose and mannose, which are present in the tear mucus, were not detectable in goblet cells.

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